With exciting study topics and daily activities, our Preschool Program builds on existing knowledge and keeps the focus on fun and learning. With an emphasis on furthering language skills, social skills and problem solving, our literacy- based program will help to ready your preschooler for entering Kindergarten. Math, writing, science and nature, creativity with art, dramatic play for role playing, gym or outdoor play on the playground, fine motor activities such as puzzles, bead stringing, block building etc, music, group circle time, sensory activities, story time and group play, are all part of the preschooler’s day.
Little Puzzlers participates in the USDA Food Program insuring that your preschooler will enjoy nutritious meals and snacks. During naptime, children will be encouraged to rest quietly on their cots, after which they may choose a quiet activity. You will be constantly informed of your child’s activities and well being with daily reports.
The progress of each child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development will be accessed and documented in the child’s record and shared with his/her parents during conferences.